Coronavirus Arrangements

No doubt you have heard of the recent developments and advice from the Australian Government regarding Coronavirus. As mentioned earlier, we will be following all their recommendations. As our meetings are not more than 500 people, at present Sunday Service will continue. However please continue to be mindful and vigilant regarding your personal presence. If you are of a higher risk category, or feel unwell in any way, you are advised to stay home. Please heed this advice for the sake of one another, as well as our country.

In an effort to minimise some of the risks particular to our usual practices, we are also suspending morning/afternoon tea. Of course, we should continue to avoid things like shaking hands etc.

In the event that Sunday Services are also suspended entirely, the church will run limited livestreams so that our community can continue to "meet" together. These will be simple times in prayer and in God's Word lead by our Pastors. More information about how these can be accessed will be shared soon. Many thanks to all those who are working behind the scenes to test and make this possible.

You will receive on Sunday, if you attend, an article reflecting on this situation as a whole. It also will be made available online soon. However, suffice it to say that in this time of uncertainty, even fear and worry, we look to Christ, his death and resurrection for the peace and security of our lives. We cannot control these things we face, but God can, and does, and will. Do your best to show love and grace to one another whatever that might look like at the time.

If you would like to talk to anyone whether it is about these measures, or how you are going, then please feel free to contact any of our Pastors or Elders or leaders.